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It is the position of The Heartland Progressive that the Impeachment of George W. Bush should be raised to the level of a National Priority.  George W. Bush has disgraced the image of America in the eyes of the world.

Through his repeated and blatant violations of the "rule of law", and the Constitution, he has put our Liberty and our very Democracy at grave risk.  George W Bush is personally responsible for the needless deaths of uncounted 10's of thousands of people in Iraq and the greater Middle East.  He has cost nearly 3000 of our Sons and Daughters, serving in the military, their lives.  He has put us, our children, and our grandchildren deeply in debt.  It will take generations to pay off the trillion dollars or more that this ill-conceived, illegal, and immoral "War of choice" that he has waged, not in our name, but in the name of corporate profiteering and oil.


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The Progressive
Blog Digest
Thursday, November 16, 2006

With the election this week of Trent Lott as the number two Republican in the Senate, the GOP has once again proved that it is unwilling to move into the 21st century. Lott, the authoritarian, white, christian, male epitomises the mid 20th century mindset of the segregationist south.

The Republican Party has failed to get the message of the recent election cycle; America is moving forward. The conservative agenda is no longer operative, and yet, the Republican Party clings to it. They are deeply mired in an ideology that no longer reflects our country.

When Karl Rove engineered a takeover of the federal government in 2000 they made a huge miscalculation. They started to believe that the unreal numbers they had generated were in fact real. They were not, they never were, America was never that conservative. What the Republicans had done was to suppress the vote, demonize Al Gore, corrupt the count and use their political hacks on the Supreme Court to make it appear as though George W. Bush had won the election. George W. Bush then ran out and claimed a mandate.

Bush never had a mandate, he had extremely talented political operatives who managed to keep him and the Republicans in power for the past 6 years, that's all. Now in 2006 we see the results of the failed Bush Administration. The people have registered a mandate to the Democrats. Get rid of the Republican agenda that has put our lives, our security, our freedoms and our prosperity at grave risk.

The Republican's answer to this mandate given to the Democrats is to revert to form. Appoint the argueably racist, Trent Lott to the Senate minority leadership. That is why I have taken it upon myself to develop a new logo for the GOP; a dinosaur...

God willing the dysfunctional Republican Party of the mid 20th century will soon be as extinct as is their new, unsolicited, mascot. But there is hope for the Republicans, as we all know, decaying dinosaur fossils generates oil and Republicans just love oil.

posted by Pokerbear @ 1:23 PM  
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